About Our Office

At Palm Beach Health Center, our mission is to help those who are frustrated with the old-school “drug the symptom” tactics of the conventional medical model. Our physicians take a whole-person, cause-based approach to your care, using the best and latest physical and functional medicine technologies to properly diagnose and naturally correct the underlying issues while getting you the relief that you need. We do this all without harmful or addictive medications. We have everything you need to give you real and lasting results.

Palm Beach Health Center front desk.

What We Do

Palm Beach Health Center strives to help you achieve your health goals by identifying the source of your conditions. When possible, we use non-surgical, drug-free solutions to treat disorders like:

Palm Beach Health Center front office.
  • Back pain

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Joint and muscle pain

  • Gut problems

  • Auto-immune dysfunction

  • Hormone dysfunction

  • Anxiety

  • Depression (mild to moderate)

  • Early dementia

When you visit our practice, we'll start by discussing your health history. Once we understand your problem(s) and how it is effecting your life, we'll discuss your current and future health and performance goals. We will then find out about any lifestyle obstacles or limitations such as:

Doctor Matt showing educating a patient at Palm Beach Health Center.
  • Ergonomics

  • Traumas

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep habits

  • Exercise habits

  • Emotional stress

This information allows us to treat you as an individual rather than a generic group of symptoms and treatments. We want you to be able to perform at your best every day for years to come. Along with personalized care, we also want to prevent future health problems through education, health talks, nutrition counseling, and other supplemental materials that can teach you to create positive lifetime habits for you and your family.

Doctor speaking to a patient.
Exam room at Palm Beach Health Center.
Waiting area at Palm Beach Health Center.
Medical table.
Entrance to Palm Beach Health Center.

Schedule Your  Consultation

Palm Beach Health Center specializes in physical, functional medicine that treats root causes instead of masking symptoms. If you are ready to take charge and plan your health schedule your consultation now.  Call our office at 561-333-8353 or make your appointment online.

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